Monday, December 27, 2004

Learn more about Health and Nutrition

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Great Health and Fitness Ideas for 2005!

How about make this the best year ever by:
1) Not going on a diet that you will soon go off of!
2) Changing your diet to (not just better, but) the best nutritional diet for optimum health and fitness!

Everyone wants to feel good. Everyone loves the feeling of good health and having lots of energy to accomplish all they want in life. Most of us have been taught some principles of good eating, but not many of us really believe them or do not follow them.

Here's one of the most important principles to understand and if you take this to heart this coming year, it will be the best year of great health ever!

Optimum health and energy comes from having a clean system. Many of us think of eating well for better health, but few realize the importance of cleansing, or keeping the system clean- free from sickness and disease. Yet it is of paramount importance if you want great health , and vitality and optimal energy!

Here are a few suggestions to achieve and maintain optimum health and energy:

* Eat lots of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables – raw fruits for breakfast and mid-afternoon snacks, fresh vegetables for lunch and dinner - up to 60% of your total food intake! With the raw enzymes and high nutritional content in the raw foods, you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel, how much energy you'll have, and how much cleaner your system will feel.

* Incorporate whole grains in your meals – not flours, not cracked grains, but the whole grains themselves as much as possible. You can cook them, better yet, sprout them, then add them to salads, soups, and all kinds of main dishes. They are very satisfying to the body because they really feed the body the nutrition it needs.

* For proteins, rely on the legume family as much as possible. There are all kinds of wonderful beans – get to know them and eat them in a variety of ways. If they cause you gas, then take note of what you are eating them with. NEVER eat beans with tomatoes or fruits of any kind, if you want to alleviate the discomfort.

* Drink lots of pure water. Water is the miracle cleanser, made by God to keep us optimally healthy. We need it – lots of it! If it’s not water, it’s not water – no substitutes! If you don’t like water, learn to like it, and drink your way to better health. You will be amazed at how many health problems will be disolved, and how much weight you will loose, just by drinking lots of good pure water.

* Exercise and deep breathing are an important part of our daily activities. We need the oxygen from deep breathing and aerobic activities to regenerate and cleanse which will give us optimum energy and a cleaner system. Despite what fad diets may say, we need daily exercise for a number of reasons. Schedule it, and do it!

Now look at the above suggestions. Write down some goals, and begin today to achieve them! YOU can do it!

Erleen Tilton

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