Monday, September 26, 2005

Raw Fruits and Vegetables for Natural Weight Loss!

There are several tips that when understood and applied can really be effective in helping people loose weight, and feel healthy. One of those very important tips is simply eating more raw fruits and vegetables. There are several reasons this is so effective:

1) they are high in nutrition, leaving your body more satisfied
2) they are high in fiber, a natural cleanser for the intestines
3) they are water rich foods, for more natural cleansing
4) as they are increased, they take the place of other foods that are low in nutrition and high in calories and fats

It is interesting as I teach and watch people, they don't seem to feel a need to increase their fruits and vegetable intake, but once they do, they are so surprised at how much weight they loose without doing much else, and how much better they really feel!

Try it! Eat more raw fruits and vegetables for your health!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Is Dairy Milk a Healthy Choice?

I found a quote a little while ago from a Dr. Mercola (see who states, "Pasteurization is a destructive process that changes the physical structure of the fragile proteins in milk (especially casein) and converts them into proteins your body was never designed to handle - and that can actually harm you. Additionally, the pasteurization process virtually eliminates the good bacteria normally present in the milk and radically reduces the micronutrient and vitamin content of this healthy food."

Dairy milk is not as nutritious as we may have been taught. It is really not meant for human consumption. It is meant for baby calves. The pasteurization process, as mentioned above, makes it unusable to the body, and is actually a poor source of usuable calcium.

Our best sources of calcium come from leafy greens. If you don't believe me, look at a cow out to pasture all day long. Grains, beans, sprouts, raw nuts and seeds are also excellent sources of good usable calcium for the body. We need to eat these healthy foods. Not only are they high in calcium, but also in iron and other vitamins and minerals, fiber and are over all great sources of nutrition.

So do you want milk? Go for the soy milk, rice milk, or almond milk! Just think about it! Would you rather get your milk by nursing from a cow, or from a bean, grain or nut? The latter makes much more sense!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Raise Your Energy and Vitality!

Many of you may know T. Harv Eker, the author of the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Here is a blurb from one of his recordings that I heard today:

"Want to make some more money?
* Get yourself in shape!
* Raise your energy!
* Raise your stamina!"

If people would understand that if they would take 45-6o minutes each day to work out and exercise, it would increase their capacity to be more productive, especially in the afternoon hours. The better you feel and the healthier you are, the more you can accomplish!

Eat good high nourishing foods!
Drink plenty of good clean water!
Make exercise time a priority!
You will see and feel the benefits!!!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Is Healthy Permanent Weight Management for you?

Many of us today struggle with our weight. We have tried all kinds of diets that do not work, we may even loose weight only to gain it back plus more, there are all kinds of fad diets out there, and sometimes it can be so confusing of what really works.

The key to Healthy, Permanent Weight Management is actually quite simple though if we understand the principles, then live them. Living the principles is the key to a happy, healthy, successful lifestyle.

If your would like to know all the secrets to obtaining your desired weight easily and naturally, then the Healthy Permanent Weight Management 3 CD series will start you on your road to success.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

1) Begin your day with raw fruits and raw nuts.
2) Use whole grains – not processed flours and cereals, and greatly minimize even whole grain flours. Eat the whole grains, cooked or sprouted.
3) Enjoy salads for lunch: mostly raw vegetables with added whole grains, raw nuts, and dressings that contain cold pressed oils, olive oil, flax oil and other good ingredients.
4) Eating 5 small meals is better than eating 3 big meals (or 3 medium meals and 2 nourishing shacks). Don’t stretch the stomach.
5) For snack time, eat raw fruits or vegetables and a few raw nuts; for desserts, try a few raw almonds .
6) Rely on most of your protein from the legumes (bean family) and raw nuts.
7) Rely on raw greens, raw seeds and nuts, and beans for the best sources of calcium.
8) Center your menus around raw fruits or vegetables, sprouts, whole grains, legumes, raw nuts and seeds for lowest calorie intake and highest nutritional value.
9) Drink lots of water daily, atleast half your body weight in oz. of water. Omit all other drinks.
10) Exercise daily in equal time that you take time to eat: eating time = 60-90 minutes, exercise taime = 60-90 minutes, DAILY.

As you listen to the CDs, you will gain a greater understanding of these principles and how this simple way of eating will help you achieve the permanent success you desire.

All orders before Sept. 15 are discounted to $49.00. After that, the retail cost is $59.00. So order your set here today, and enjoy your success of Healthy Permanent Weight Management!

Money Back Guarantee: If after listening to the CDs and 30 days of trial, if you are not 100% satisfied you can return the CDs with a full refund. No questions asked! Now is the time, and you have nothing to loose except pounds. Order today!

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